Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History

The Museum was great. It is in a really beautiful location downtown and the displays were really nice. Doesn't this one look realistic?
Acorns are an important part of subsistence!
I never gave much thought to the basket weaving tradition but when you see these baskets up close they're incredible! I can imagine ever making something like that!
I was way too excited when I saw a basket full of chia seeds on display!
After the museum I made it to campus with time to spare so I treated myself to a little coffee. I got a medium drip coffee with a shot of sugar-free hazelnut syrup. I started with this French Roast but it ran out!
Not a problem since they had Carmel Nut Fudge!!
Hazelnut coffee makes me think of my Daddy :) We always have it at home.
The Ominous Webern Analysis!!!

During my lunch break at work I enjoyed my salad which was a mix of:
  • red leaf lettuce
  • mixed olives
  • red bell peppers
  • avocado
  • cherry tomatoes
  • cilantro
  • mushrooms
  • cucumber
I love this flavor! It reminds me of the yogurt that comes with the sprinkles that I used to eat when I was little.
And an amazing Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Chip Almond Cookie!
Jealous yet?

When I got home from work I snacked on this kiwi.


I decided to eat a dinner like meal even though it was early. The choir dress rehearsal was tonight and I didn't want to be hungry. This is a repeat of last night only smaller.
Covered in salad after I nuked it!
Up next: Dessert!

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