For breakfast I used one of my handy prepacked bags of veggies and juiced up
- 1 cucumber
- 9 stalks of celery
- 3 large stalks of collard greens
- 1 beet
- 1 apple
- 1 Tbsp fresh ginger
Filled it right to the brim! The collard greens made juice that was super dark green. Adding the apple was really the way to go. It added just the right amount of sweetness to turn this drink from weird to kinda good!
For lunch I made the "Back to Greens" Soup. It called for
- 2 cups of spinach
- 1 cup srouts
- 1 medium tomato
- 1/2 cucumber
- 1 avocado
- 1/2 cup cilantro
- 2 tsp. lime juice
- 1/8 tsp. Celtic sea salt
I did end up coming home after all and decided to make my dinner soup before I even sat down to eat lunch. That's how to not get caught by the clock! For dinner I made the "Metro Mex Avocado Soup" again with some slight variations. I used grape tomatoes instead of medium sized and added a 1/2 cup purified water.
Lunch was pretty tasty with all my toppings!
I also had half of my sweet coconut shake as a treat.
I'd been feeling pretty good but I think I hit a second day hunger slump because I was HUNGRY! I wanted more of everything and it has been sooo hard not to cheat but I am proud to report that I have not! I'm starting to see that lunch time is one of my weak times. I come home and want to just fill up on everything. I think packed lunches might have to be mandatory for me!
Now, I know what you're probably thinking about my dinner soup and that it doesn't look very appetizing but don't judge a book by its cover! This soup was delicious! I didn't blend it completely smooth so there was some crunch to it. While I was eating this soup, it was so good that it made me want to go raw! Kelsey and I have already been discussing logistics for a raw food week. It would be the perfect way for me to come off my cleanse too. If only dehydrators weren't so expensive :(
During my break at work I savored the last of my coconut shake like a 'dessert'.
I like the technique of splitting this shake into two mini snacks. Makes it last longer!
I was wearing a huge ring, by the way, that I got from Kelsey for my birthday. Gotta represent!
During opera I read further in my cleanse book and...not to get too intimate, but it suggested getting a natural laxative like magnesium oxide to take at night. I stopped off at the coop after work and picked up these cleanse capsules. I took two right away and during my cleanse I'm going to try to take four a day.
We'll see what happens! I'm feeling pretty good so far. What I have noticed is that I feel a little weak when I'm singing, like I can't sustain my breath as long. I think I was just tired at opera haha.
Only 3 more days to go!!
I just did a cleanse of sorts for my colonoscopy on Tuesday. I was so hungry that I had to stay out of the kitchen. I could only have clear liquids. I recommend "power aid" over gatorade. I felt kinda weak too. Make sure you are getting enough potassium in the mix.
Yay ring and raw food! Haha.
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